Philosophy / slogan

Brand slogan =
Action aimed for at all times based on the organizational philosophy and philosophy of action
Giving form to ideas
For everybody who uses our products regularly.
For everybody involved in their distribution and sale.
And, for all of us who make those products.
We give “form” to the respective “ideas” of all.
We want to communicate with as many people as possible
Increase smiling faces as much as possible
And share happiness with the people we care for
That is the wish of Itoh Kanpo Pharmaceutical.r
Organizational philosophy = things we aim for as an organization
We will try to improve by learning from each other and
aim to share our happiness and emotion with customers through our work.
Philosophy of action = 3 actions to achieve our organizational philosophy
1. Customers are most important :
Our customers are people who hope to be healthy.
We will take action thinking that our customers are most important.
2. Observance of the laws and regulations :
We will take the best action for our customers in line
with society’s rules at all times.
3. Supremacy of quality improvement :
We will consider what our customers hope for and
about its quality and take action to improve quality continuously.